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Writer's pictureBrian Fuller

Sights & Sounds From Sabbatical-Post #6

I've noticed that there are a relatively slim number of hymns or spiritual songs of confession for us to sing as a church. But this morning we sang an excellent one entitled, Not In Me. Here are the lyrics:


No list of sins I have not done,

No list of virtues I pursue,

No list of those I am not like

Can earn myself a place with You.

O God, be merciful to me–

I am a sinner through and through!

My only hope of righteousness

Is not in me, but only You.


No humble dress, no fervent prayer,

No lifted hands, no tearful song,

No recitation of the truth

Can justify a single wrong.

My righteousness is Jesus’ life, m

My debt was paid by Jesus’ death,

My weary load was borne by Him

And He alone can give me rest.


No separation from the world,

No work I do, no gift I give

Can cleanse my conscience, cleanse my hands;

I cannot cause my soul to live.

But Jesus died and rose again–

The power of death is overthrown!

My God is merciful to me

And merciful in Christ alone.


My righteousness is Jesus’ life, m

My debt was paid by Jesus’ death,

My weary load was borne by Him

And He alone can give me rest.

This was the fifth week, and day #36 of my sabbatical. I'm missing everyone, for sure. But, I am really enjoying the extra time for prayer, reflection, repentance and renewal. The extra family time has been amazing too!

I was thinking today, it's providential that I'm taking a sabbatical when the New England Patriots are vying for the worst record in football! :-/

On Wednesday I was able to speak at a Worldview Conference for senior high students in Lansdale, PA. That was a fun opportunity. Thanks for your prayers.

I also enjoyed some phone calls with some of you this week.

I dove into a new book this week entitled, My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel by Ari Shavit. It's fascinating, especially with the present conflict of Israel at war with Hamas. And, this week I intend to read a new book that was recently published, Charlie Chaplin v. America-When Art, Sex and Politics Collided by Scott Eyman. (I'll let you know my thoughts after I'm finished.) Both of these books are outside my normal reading genre.

Of course, I also Face-timed with Hudson each day this week!

Here were some of my favorite photos:

Yesterday I had the honor of officiating Michael Gondy's and Ragan Pearl Guest's wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony for two special people. I'm so happy and hopeful for this new Gondy family!

Today we attended Christ Church of West Chester. Pastor Raymond Johnson presented an excellent sermon from John 2:12-25 of Jesus cleansing the temple. Becky, Cade and I really enjoyed worshipping together with the members of Christ Church this morning.

I was really happy to read nearly a dozen notes that some of you sent me this week.

Thank you. Each of them meant a lot to me.

Missing you. Praising God and praying for you regularly.


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Nov 07, 2023

The past couple weeks I decided to surreptitiously visit the churches that you have been attending... albeit a virtual visit. I find it encouraging that some church congregations continue to thrive over the generations. Although some have closed their doors and shuttered their windows permanently, other church buildings such as Christ Church of WC have had a rebirth. I'm enjoying your church visits very much.

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