Ideas have consequences.
Bad ideas have victims.
Today, on the 49th anniversary of the landmark, Roe v Wade Supreme Court ruling, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris issued a joint statement pledging their committed support to abortion rights saying in part,
"In recent years, we have seen efforts to restrict access to reproductive health care increase at an alarming rate...access to reproductive health care is under attack. These state restrictions constrain the freedom of all women...The Biden-Harris Administration strongly supports efforts to codify Roe, and we will continue to work with Congress on the Women’s Health Protection Act. All people deserve access to reproductive health care regardless of their gender, income, race, zip code, health insurance status, immigration status, disability, or sexual orientation. And the continued defense of this constitutional right is essential to our health, safety, and progress as a nation....We must ensure that our daughters and granddaughters have the same fundamental rights that their mothers and grandmothers fought for and won on this day, 49 years ago."
This statement starkly exposes pro-abortion ideology. Over 60 million little people in the USA have been killed since January 22, 1973. And nearly 50 years later, the leader of the free world sees any and every restriction to on demand abortion as reproductive health being "under attack". What a completely backwards perspective. The fact is, every time an abortion is available and successful it results in a dead person. Reality is, every time an abortion is available and successful a tiny person is "under attack" until the baby is dead. The truth is, reproductive health is not under attack, reproduction is.
In argumentation a well-used fallacy is called "begging the question" or "arguing in a circle." We beg the question when we make statements or present premises that assume the conclusion we are trying to make rather than supporting it logically. The POTUS statement says, "...these state restrictions constrain the freedom of all women" and "All people deserve access to reproductive health" and "...we must ensure that our daughters and granddaughters have the same fundamental rights that their mothers and grandmothers fought for..." (emphasis mine). These statements assume that the unborn are not included in "all women", are not included in "all people" and are not included in "our daughters and granddaughters." These statements assume the unborn are not human persons deserving of the human right to life.
The statement concludes with
"All people deserve access to reproductive health care regardless of their gender, income, race, zip code, health insurance status, immigration status, disability, or sexual orientation."
Eight demographical, physical and socio-economic categories are listed in this statement, but the unborn are not included. It is intellectually lazy and an horrific human rights injustice to completely dismiss the unborn, a huge group of human persons, as though they don't matter. They don't even make the list.The only persons who lose their life when an abortion is "successful" didn't even make the list.
Terminology matters.
We don't throw "fetus showers." We host "baby showers."
Parents-to-be don't have ultrasounds in order to discover the gender of a fetus.
They go to the ultrasound appointment to find out the gender of their baby.
When we talk about the unborn as though they are not real human persons or worse, omit them from the conversation of reproductive health as though they don't exist, abortion ideology spreads.
"...the LORD hates hands that shed innocent blood." (Proverbs 6:17b)
"...You shall not murder." (Exodus 20:13)
Our simple plea:
It is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human person.
Abortion is the intentional killing of an innocent human person.
Abortion is a great wrong.
Critical Reproductive Truth #3: Abortion is wrong because it intentionally kills an innocent human being.